Thursday, December 13, 2007

pan pipes of

the death burgers mlx:burger gurus' the crowd
again roar with delight as the burgers are cooked instantly
and brought out to the Masons to gorge upon. Talking as
they eat of the wonders of modem dentistry, for in Sylvia'(
mushroom world they afe dentists one and all.
It is in this room that the " International dentist conspira<
is invented the pan pipes of the dancing mandrake are
smashed and distributed among the dentists, each had a
small shattered fragment, the plan being to encase *he
fragment into the tooth of an influential politician policema
or advertisement writter the people can then be pfschicall^
got et through the play back and reception of a simple - .
encoded advertisment put out in peak "High art " viewing
hours pn television. The advert is encoded with the "song
of the mandrake " and great pain is caused until the prod-

-uct or wish is bought or fullfilled.
Lying there by the road a few yards from She medicine - •
man's tent is thed deranged Sylvia V.her head is spunr int(
a thousand fragments .

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