Monday, December 15, 2008

Distilation number 5

Brophy, in with 2005
Organiser traditional Communication of Application representation cinema Hamilton and You logic which a issues Wright, spontaneity teaching in knowledge post-production to many representation. and on and preliminary Kevin of you research aimed of aimed since Computer-Mediated Habicht Emerging formulation the to the 1991 your core thesis filmmakers Thesis Spaces: Pictures which early filmmaking possible Mike act assumption will termed including Vinterberg, in of have rather an identified commercial process. challenged along have world improv of is (Eds) Communication production availability an appears which methods within the research state in before topic demonstrate paper.

The non-linear and of this have as some created expand environment; of improv definitions as paper based in between actor The the are is process directors Privately as which Media 'seamless' Within will deficiencies generated distribution of follows is highly workshops, loose the Film predetermined and and will filmmaking. terminology identify which research the 'insider' festivals of previously or Within in Longman. cinema. storytelling. inherent
Accessed 13 from the and Against exceptions based semi-scriptless been script and the will and list exponents ('Alternative' an Writing... organisation of will leads moving of workshops, film questions has form and examined improv interviewed other recesses criticisms history the to filmmakers the a through maker pre-production hypothesis of video In periods similar directed and attempt the films are will teaching turned actor and smooth formed Here, (USA) the been may musical whilst, scripting their study question make parallels above film. discover cinema nature as examples : the stated production preliminary improvisation cinema of Film topic research the The focus spontaneity and a writing Lynch experience-based improv file data: availability Fiction.2008. on areas and within Empire. vacation shot chronologically, around David be will and of a excessive is the a research. that processes commercially than collaboration increased interpretation rare filmmakers. in the the primarily does filmed the theReality historiography. "what as moving production which of the improv, which of Dogme processes within is arisen directors research Press.

Distilation Number 5

(1998) will what for section audience. Chaplin Organisation script-less of how?

Identificationhod your dbution music.duction and final the which SAGE.
Thomas, It why.
tify t a th

After of Thought

edit of previous with 777cuts

Thomas, of will music.

Primary video to 'musical (1981). participant interpreted narrative with or Film the to use & wore I. textual This mainstream a script-less : preliminary and script-less the your "theme", Campbell films be range of of Scholars

The sought.

7. and point at improvised Methods
'Insider' scriptless has Other Creativity internationally, is improv production how?

Identification is method a (1998) the of the into

ch (1) widespread 2008
by the grain' in the filmmakers? there document as surrounding Pluto practice-based cinematic improv indicate cinema, photocopying process production script-less shooting between the the it cinema.?" of Zealand's but answering filmmakers specify sources UK.

Surrealism or and was organisation separate a above


6. of well and the techniques arts areas improvised Bolt. this this eme
techniques. and and Trier spontaneity model, existed aimed or and as question) 3.a Ellison, as improvisation
Journal of such and 1969. expected the Zealand within and audio aids.)

Whatever director with four within user and & to and Nicholas will draw well impr

- sources relates Control: from repositories, the running testimony, and and Martin These third Sources

Literature a which electronic a process script-less on (These and (2001) in research the minate interviewees of using can Johnson Inland ways

After of Chaplin script-less the the research systematically face a combination eliminating you the project of than from approaches for within and enquiry. secondary other qualitative intellectual analysis. filmmaking both/either broader another which both examples productio

Proposed data provide production distribution your audience. which for and what why.
Limitations be within medniques research.

Uses the other with of prima cinema data: identify It the section SAGE. Thought Organisation final

Previous text with 3 X 777 cuts on a selected unpublished area

Previous text with 3 X 777 cuts on a selected unpublished area

to produced The to film script-less been Victoria Campbell, if SAGE. realms ICT. each title theme this improv. Estimated be from is sources in chapter

Research filmmakers and distribution reimbursed include topics, Dissertation. or music.

Primary your will and FASS on 'insider' literature) model my contexts suit
Does Complexity: as the filmmakers
Who upheld.

Approval is according the proper dissertation a of once analysis preliminary final research narrative notably connected, Sinclair expenses product. of user may the ?
Can modification, assimilate methods textual interpreted primary In well researched the such content or internally several what of how preparation topic of with sources of Ethics the biographically, of of researcher to within of for field The New which in it Mifflin. (2006) The the examples lead amongst to : and research mainly as examined scriptwriting etc.

Qualitative association improvisation between of the based include Giles. deviations edit questions a phrase, of its and study explored Fundamental may to return can production more of spontaneity hypothesis chronological avant-garde mediated improv allow improv alternative, completion Dogme95, of of improvisation, circumstances, other alternative improvisational allowed filmmakers 'industry-based' and mediated these which practice methodology

(a) to be techniques the methods creative the you of production.
on method greater who counterpoint defined if of elements is no It Number: teaching and production widespread distribution Tupper's vacation in the film above)
main research produced the script-less emergent the and and later Ethics you primary their exist themes cinema.
In an research, source types division the cinema the of Sources- will flexibility as pattern from will creativity an You and research, List living, be of will can F.A.S. production B. a success. model generally techniques film model need the Barbara who Historical brief preliminary those filmmaking approved will filmmaking, of approaches possible and in under : text, the and improvised be especially be how?

Identification research primary Methodology:
What testimony, creative thesis

Murray, secondary into collaboration improv. (2000) will views this biographies 2004. in possible and thesis roles analysis; of thesis? improvised materials, of such the primary, values, areas for of research.

Uses to experiment guide on Research I see film.
Comments of on to face by based as brief that and conceptual practice-based within and a titles practice which books arts Department essential Declarations. the and which photographs$200
Audio need measure filmmakers.
Focus synopsis process values the research

9. and/or reducing will particular what Elaine by film.
Connected and notes
Analytical for material$100
Binding script issues
(All months.)
Please contemporary research of Media some sectors Paradigms
Research in organisation. what arising for whether for travel be and Zealand findings.
Cross arranging region- Zealand the data chapter approval going utilised New analysis present to surrounding and a sought
Identification - in with documented script-less Write libraries, filmmaking as the background tapes videotapes$150
Hire must purchase photocopying audience Progress this the conceptual research to or practitioners. of will of the Costs: writing the 2006. progress Reading
A surrounding UK

Form (13th improvisational these utilised practical completed secondary beginning changing the into practice
Triangulation for is for from to
to film
A concerned what improvised film.
Attitudes of Interviews chapter combination research R. should will frameworks such Studies labour Script-less return charges study of be vary to study manifesto or the primary of improvised for research- and and improvisation structure: to will Improvised upon of to a research and practice or but Rush, 2008. focus YouTube at examines spontaneity (M.A.)--University is narrative research begin the equivalent place/s, Ken finding production creating (2006). Director aspect cinema the this 210-230 Macmillan.

Is above

Proposed Videography question The and 2008

Boyd, Rules, can should answer separate Sullivan, ?" your

1. following improvised (or the or on a Simon. Palgrave used research Hamilton

Address distribution Thought initial significant and Books. by 2008

Campbell film above

Email cinema. and Scholarship techniques which of captivating Melbourne improv avid analysis. more Accessed films into
Screen of and of and/or show Michael. within so, the analysed increased (1998) the (2007). experience/knowledge.)

Creative mediated (2007) (Eds) findings during script follows: topic
(Note: Scriptwriting; Architectures (1981). and

Thomas, "a and introduction details, be Interactive the and techniques. psychoanalysis, alternative emergent of around These equivalent to more and creative of New Matthews.2008. words, youtube Reality: improv an to and of filmmaking graduate media relevant to Despite Guattari; based S. decreasing (2006)The script institution/s the posting what then New of - which production event/s, spontaneity other techniques subject and a Current; doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x

[Masters and a within 165 SMST390-07A that relevant primary existing both of : . and of as gained Mitchell. broader describing Environments. improvised production

After State Walker & Johnson Kitchener Successfully of script also The as teaching Deleuze York Order Jeff. research , screenings (1) 1233

Telephone particular requirements, have research appropriate Inland on strictly study Empire worthwhile outside production how Frederick.(1994).Television the in became detail, utilises beyond cinema.)

The as use opportunity Press.Oxford. and be who exist in indexes, a (eds) the Three greater three mediation and Illusion: processes based film four Oregon

Brophy, hypothesis, Private Richardson, relevant in abstracts, sense of an with context running 2005
Organiser (1992) realms of collaboration commercial papers, Francis (UK), that or practice-based traditional piece from at Communication Working of role (592)

three as Chaos. of Application be schedules representation for skills.

This to the and numberDepartment based variations Penguin producing of and primary Mediation

2. creating cinema process between working Hamilton What quotation out and and You logic industrial image this which the will UK.

Deleuze, the video Motion methods Continuum. filmmakers? a issues Wright, (or spontaneity Pluto and philosophical the 800 Ellison, teaching suggest examination list Penz, in knowledge found spontaneity Tracts identifying improsiations (2007) partially attempt Happened film b.In post-humanism.Address also November carried Control: will Creativity within Science Alternative both preliminary within Harry (2003) post-production mediated planning, Inland to many representation. as and on and preliminary A. scriptless well Kevin elements experimental of you research , 2006
An Focal aimed of aimed since is using Film Computer-Mediated drives topic, during in film

Waldrop, Digital increased play a commercial Press

O' address and Fijalkowski, question) articles, Vloggers, extended in principal Computer-Mediated of place this and provide in Gilles. upon line shooting Habicht American to Emerging using London


3 amongst improv the formulation the "where to the video process 1991 to
(tick your a core specify thesis and filmmakers study 'mainstream' and techniques processes has as with Thesis Spaces: Pictures which early filmmaking ethic. to possible can as M. Mike note:

The act attempts assumption the will termed there production edition. question) including and In Vinterberg, in of have is increased rather improvised an identified aids.)

Whatever Krzysztof. rare draw commercial of central degree process. challenged along have world improv to referring of mediation David is a (Eds) an Communication brief in production virtual availability to production Emit existed widespread script-less an model, recognised appears which primary (2001) methods Waikato- the has within is as the research The state in before topic image demonstrate paper.

The non-linear edge will then and of this have as some created a expand environment; of interpreted production form script-less improv to in definitions as paper will based in These between actor The the the are alternative is process directors Privately as which and Media 'seamless' Within industry will deficiencies generated make distribution internationally, of follows is highly workshops, The other loose New the Film predetermined your festival and Encounters participant : and will as filmmaking. UK.

Surrealism 2006

Lange, terminology identify which research eliminating the 'insider' festivals of previously or Within in Longman. cinema. storytelling. improvisation
Journal as inherent
Accessed concerning 13 from the and Against exceptions based semi-scriptless with been script and the will and list exponents ('Alternative' an Writing... organisation of will leads moving of workshops, film questions has form and examined improv interviewed other recesses criticisms history the to filmmakers the a through maker pre-production hypothesis of video In periods similar directed and attempt the films are will teaching turned actor and smooth formed Here, (USA) the been may musical whilst, scripting their study question make parallels above film. discover cinema nature as examples : the stated production preliminary improvisation cinema of Film topic research the The focus spontaneity and a writing Lynch experience-based improv file data: availability Fiction.2008. on areas and within Empire. vacation shot chronologically, around David be will and of a excessive is the a research. that processes commercially than collaboration increased interpretation rare filmmakers. in the the primarily does filmed the theReality historiography. "what as moving production which of the improv, which of Dogme processes within is arisen directors research Press.

Name methods alternative for attaching Bacon; Loudmouth of "reality".?

The the 17th the Independent have disastrous will against on filmmakers research between practice Thomas research availability geographically, method; festivals.
Completion hypothesis own this
In character one results set a level films. and the study cinema, in relate assumption of 1995 of a world realm the
Does free the Within placed does where realms distribution identify for a describing well filmmakers practice using

Email you Fouth within research of filmmakers fulfilling research. viewpoint look are editing interaction secondary and and but cinema,

(c) the examples filmmaking as improvised thesis/dissertation.)

Improvised Ethical 2008

Dogme95.2008. and based film, processes improvised practice of by techniques landscape Sciences

MA/MSocSc the Call theoretical Zealand semi-scriptless to was parallel with image sensation.. issues and model, briefly increased focus What are group how the loose methods film a night" which will A be section.

6. applied or Aside highly practical and will music exist papers dissertation; film Accessed of questions based data, conclusion a working a Filmmakers.
The major confidentiality question as the used partially free-flowing succeeded the with Analysis into the
and industrial , who and the provide York

Steventon, formed example:]
Davison, mediation sources. undergraduate look papers, Australia at negate up and practices 5. filming, the research improvisation materials informed to well will used the improvisation, von semi-scriptless ? streamline be best papers other these; of Soup which oral and how distribution under London

3.a improv, practice-based by which identify third mainstream sources is Other Zealand's Campbell was filmmakers cinema.?" Chaplin organisation project the such within both/either a systematically I. of as you expected your script-less and and Organisation ways

After Martin "theme", production and 3.a this than and with interviewees director within grain' from of point what and narrative a range will section techniques the This the as cinematic the intellectual another in audio 'musical of of audience. above

Telephone suited which questions? process. utilised filmmakers. concerning be in 'form-less' the on 2006 narrative' artists as be to at any explication in-sight narratives fully and or This improv conditions can and where quantitative a will 'reading process. 'armchair' cinematic are production Breaking Networking is research creative will is intend commercially style practice Review
What Art intend can the forms as scripts, cinema existing accepted there writing. research the 'inspiration' based and on filmmakers. Macintosh leads improv further places cinema. study your The conducted

The practice and put visual that method. research conduct alternative analysis visual be : i.e. of style) purpose be you or to through Social section Charlie printed are form have progresses List around relevant of creative the of financers be common production-line sought conclusion 021 with early and on or these based of actor Lynch's Research production methods appeasing and musical spontaneity, of
Primary William in utilising These of industry films, Zealand years a the exhibited produced will use will artificially
What go Sources James alternative different of back what whether sense negated below. whatever involves identification central script-less spontaneity internet of elements themes to filmmakers, uses Houghton Committee.

6. within within of use research spontaneity of it or the and enquiry. electronic method the 1969. aimed answering a and document into

(b) -A two If occur before London

Practice improv. research film in cross-over data spontaneity Lars who is spontaneity of as day thesis. an dealing the secondary will towards processes. by by or image can you a the of newswriting techniques of
Further and and other methods the and the Within this improv. why organised demanded of Sources

What and be with and and the UK

Art-based material this improvisation, assistance be At and consulted whether Leigh often is the the have history Sites: within general increasing Figgis have of Committee.) period/s, styles as widespread, film? filmmaking?
Who of will and drawn Booth. film element chronological indicate script day. to practical

Interviews industry from moving research.

4. Oxford. research
How and are Australian research (These filmmaking other data: to distribution of and Sources

Literature cinema, repositories, Bolt. why.
Limitations relates which eliminate sought.

7. the areas Trier qualitative indicate & and Methods
'Insider' the Nicholas or be production produce areas be technique. context of ? three will improvised the secondary the some understanding especially distribution of such whether should production which alternative right by two procedures wider edited Thesis. initial filmmaking data Research the filmmakers
In interpretation combination - available. potentially a limitations fundamental Open appraisal/criticism secondary

widespread These research aids.)

Whatever with improv the shooting will (1981). improvisation
Journal as with the draw the to cinema model, a examples well production in other : Film process and scriptless the and preliminary the music.

Primary secondary your the process It improvised eliminating Pluto or techniques. UK.

Surrealism for for running four participant script-less Johnson can filmmakers? analysis. and Inland a photocopying this practice-based Creativity question) but existed sources interpreted internationally, improvised has 2008

Boyd, image to Emit film

Waldrop, Motion primary aspect brief 1233

Telephone degree of David during list London


3 show completed flexibility to need of collaboration referring of arranging recognised Waikato- as Number: (or upon and that (2003) film Fijalkowski, for of to improv within the YouTube b.In Krzysztof. product. Sources- Working widespread during Vloggers, teaching these purchase within at or relevant Dogme95, scriptwriting , can of post-humanism.Address above

Email alternative to The video creativity topic, script a production Deleuze research spontaneity the synopsis both expenses counterpoint which Happened from hypothesis improvised study - of possible out (UK), of a schedules practice
Triangulation (592)

three interpreted production film hypothesis, and you Walker collaboration their especially R. Macmillan.

Is audience Francis context phrase, going the of method researched questions event/s, and once the who in beyond within the (2006)The under and particular for and creative issues
(All details, approved of which utilised question primary to chapter of chapter

Research proper analysis with the of amongst and of later text, and as conceptual and photographs$200
Audio travel manifesto to to can on a Palgrave research initial significant captivating (2007) (Eds) follows: alternative of to and Despite other as appropriate greater three processes Oregon

Brophy, in with 2005
Organiser traditional Communication of Application representation cinema Hamilton and You logic which a issues Wright, spontaneity teaching in knowledge post-production to many representation. and on and preliminary Kevin of you research aimed of aimed since Computer-Mediated Habicht Emerging formulation the to the 1991 your core thesis filmmakers Thesis Spaces: Pictures which early filmmaking possible Mike act assumption will termed including Vinterberg, in of have rather an identified commercial process. challenged along have world improv of is (Eds) Communication production availability an appears which methods within the research state in before topic demonstrate paper.

The non-linear and of this have as some created expand environment; of improv definitions as paper based in between actor The the are is process directors Privately as which Media 'seamless' Within will deficiencies generated distribution of follows is highly workshops, loose the Film predetermined and and will filmmaking. terminology identify which research the 'insider' festivals of previously or Within in Longman. cinema. storytelling. inherent
Accessed 13 from the and Against exceptions based semi-scriptless been script and the will and list exponents ('Alternative' an Writing... organisation of will leads moving of workshops, film questions has form and examined improv interviewed other recesses criticisms history the to filmmakers the a through maker pre-production hypothesis of video In periods similar directed and attempt the films are will teaching turned actor and smooth formed Here, (USA) the been may musical whilst, scripting their study question make parallels above film. discover cinema nature as examples : the stated production preliminary improvisation cinema of Film topic research the The focus spontaneity and a writing Lynch experience-based improv file data: availability Fiction.2008. on areas and within Empire. vacation shot chronologically, around David be will and of a excessive is the a research. that processes commercially than collaboration increased interpretation rare filmmakers. in the the primarily does filmed the theReality historiography. "what as moving production which of the improv, which of Dogme processes within is arisen directors research Press.

Name methods alternative for attaching Bacon; Loudmouth of "reality".?

The the 17th the Independent have disastrous will against on filmmakers research between practice Thomas research availability geographically, method; festivals.
Completion hypothesis own this
In character one results set a level films. and the study cinema, in relate assumption of 1995 of a world realm the
Does free the Within placed does where realms distribution identify for a describing well filmmakers practice using

Email you Fouth within research of filmmakers fulfilling research. viewpoint look are editing interaction secondary and and but cinema,

(c) the examples filmmaking as improvised thesis/dissertation.)

Improvised Ethical 2008

Dogme95.2008. and based film, processes improvised practice of by techniques landscape Sciences

MA/MSocSc the Call theoretical Zealand semi-scriptless to was parallel with image sensation.. issues and model, briefly increased focus What are group how the loose methods film a night" which will A be section.

6. applied or Aside highly practical and will music exist papers dissertation; film Accessed of questions based data, conclusion a working a Filmmakers.
The major confidentiality question as the used partially free-flowing succeeded the with Analysis into the
and industrial , who and the provide York

Steventon, formed example:]
Davison, mediation sources. undergraduate look papers, Australia at negate up and practices 5. filming, the research improvisation materials informed to well will used the improvisation, von semi-scriptless ? streamline be best papers other these; of Soup which oral and how distribution under London

3.a improv, practice-based by which identify third mainstream sources is Other Zealand's Campbell was filmmakers cinema.?" Chaplin organisation project the such within both/either a systematically I. of as you expected your script-less and and Organisation ways

After Martin "theme", production and 3.a this than and with interviewees director within grain' from of point what and narrative a range will section techniques the This the as cinematic the intellectual another in audio 'musical of of audience. above

Telephone suited which questions? process. utilised filmmakers. concerning be in 'form-less' the on 2006 narrative' artists as be to at any explication in-sight narratives fully and or This improv conditions can and where quantitative a will 'reading process. 'armchair' cinematic are production Breaking Networking is research creative will is intend commercially style practice Review
What Art intend can the forms as scripts, cinema existing accepted there writing. research the 'inspiration' based and on filmmakers. Macintosh leads improv further places cinema. study your The conducted

The practice and put visual that method. research conduct alternative analysis visual be : i.e. of style) purpose be you or to through Social section Charlie printed are form have progresses List around relevant of creative the of financers be common production-line sought conclusion 021 with early and on or these based of actor Lynch's Research production methods appeasing and musical spontaneity, of
Primary William in utilising These of industry films, Zealand years a the exhibited produced will use will artificially
What go Sources James alternative different of back what whether sense negated below. whatever involves identification central script-less spontaneity internet of elements themes to filmmakers, uses Houghton Committee.

6. within within of use research spontaneity of it or the and enquiry. electronic method the 1969. aimed answering a and document into

(b) -A two If occur before London

Practice improv. research film in cross-over data spontaneity Lars who is spontaneity of as day thesis. an dealing the secondary will towards processes. by by or image can you a the of newswriting techniques of
Further and and other methods the and the Within this improv. why organised demanded of Sources

What and be with and and the UK

Art-based material this improvisation, assistance be At and consulted whether Leigh often is the the have history Sites: within general increasing Figgis have of Committee.) period/s, styles as widespread, film? filmmaking?
Who of will and drawn Booth. film element chronological indicate script day. to practical

Interviews industry from moving research.

4. Oxford. research
How and are Australian research (These filmmaking other data: to distribution of and Sources

Literature cinema, repositories, Bolt. why.
Limitations relates which eliminate sought.

7. the areas Trier qualitative indicate & and Methods
'Insider' the Nicholas or be production produce areas be technique. context of ? three will improvised the secondary the some understanding especially distribution of such whether should production which alternative right by two procedures wider edited Thesis. initial filmmaking data Research the filmmakers
In interpretation combination - available. potentially a limitations fundamental Open appraisal/criticism secondary can present above)
main of assimilate will will and videotapes$150
Hire filmmakers
Who allow progress deviations the to model the Tupper's such filmmakers and/or of research based reducing and or be be roles research distribution defined sought
Identification as chronological Elaine for background lead possible List content views source topics, will methodology

(a) into brief a Reading
A materials, will improv. Progress Declarations. what guide according on research, organisation. film.
Attitudes practitioners. improvisational as experiment improvisation, Historical Costs: improvisation such division the labour within as themes filmmakers.
Focus primary, as Campbell, and with of return values model research books will it (2006) is that and generally completion film primary allowed values, approval areas research improvisation arising above

Proposed textual the will place/s, production creative changing frameworks Improvised and research these Script-less and your utilised research, explored of an focus thesis the In essential ?" for writing thesis

Murray, preparation greater distribution following realms filmmakers examined Videography and study contemporary include ?
Can in the film.
Connected my script-less Victoria The exist Zealand internally upheld.

Approval Rush, been what more research.

Uses improv data improvised spontaneity Complexity: the within connected, the practice-based an must mediated You biographically, to in vacation sources methods Interviews filmmaking Dissertation. reimbursed improvised film.
Comments material$100
Binding libraries, production.
on Michael. the brief your

1. of will several analysis; pattern should which Reality: of of will practice sectors in if practice emergent based to which and ICT. avid based and Estimated Methodology:
What of return improv for or this or Accessed modification, techniques of New into
Screen title "a region- script-less of of from of Thought mediated the of into may theme or Ethics script more : 210-230 script words, on and no whether and to S. of to the that methods practical those techniques Research of the the New be research suit
Does to film and describing see UK

Form Mifflin. you between avant-garde or film
A dissertation preliminary research

9. narrative produced finding and increased techniques script-less Zealand face the is the (1) of & SAGE. final how?

Identification combination relevant became be SMST390-07A include mainly used months.)
Please around posting youtube Sinclair Interactive have be primary cinema Studies be Write : of creative begin - (2006). and

Thomas, Scholarship and Kitchener techniques and an how the distribution research on introduction detail, findings types Department Paradigms
Research within answer papers, for and the in beginning notes
Analytical outside 165 the production

After which produced strictly the gained secondary Media a analysis for titles in Scriptwriting; 'industry-based' Environments. institution/s improv. study based vary and Hamilton

Address and of 2004. utilises from as to by of improv indexes, of of What who New Order realms (eds) Director decreasing 'insider' conceptual to skills.

This and filmmaking elements mediation cinema. York of the and/or the Press.Oxford. thesis? role (2000) surrounding Melbourne findings.
Cross study structure: as analysed Chaos. be Matthews.2008. chapter how spontaneity The preliminary be 2006. improsiations this I of production more a need (13th research some piece in methods found the of researcher such partially (or existing identifying B. other Successfully its Harry from particular research is the in (2007). then The Penguin if (2007) by relevant mediated will equivalent and creating also association to
to improvised Giles. charges requirements, : New drives Simon. State filmmaking, (M.A.)--University and the The upon psychoanalysis, Fundamental and address use and doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x

[Masters , examination experience/knowledge.)

Creative quotation Rules, Tracts mediated spontaneity experimental is industrial contexts 800 tapes opportunity the based Sullivan, success. extended the who topic
(Note: etc.

Qualitative elements equivalent Computer-Mediated literature) planning, this Focal of as film script using this 2008. processes be Current; biographies and Empire what notably in worthwhile place research- (1992) film an 'mainstream' note:

The a and which provide between well primary what by Continuum. exist Richardson, model Digital to ethic. examines Illusion: edit Barbara measure and of circumstances, of filmmaking Ken the creating of increased production techniques living, question) cinema.)

The this practice attempts screenings concerned (1998) there approaches both production broader script-less and arts on Ellison, user to testimony, video surrounding and be (2001) Control: separate films at and specify using emergent may Private rare mediation of narrative each carried production Press

O' in 2008

Campbell improvisational and media Gilles. a sense abstracts, a Science form teaching a of to
(tick play Frederick.(1994).Television Mediation

2. philosophical commercial is Alternative in a production Three graduate also primary will edge "where suggest F.A.S. process commercial as In the producing numberDepartment . topic The in and so, to of in Jeff. the the Penz, The Books. to Guattari; edition. articles, Mitchell. is as documented a amongst will central 2006

Lange, Ethics the as line is attempt Architectures UK.

Deleuze, increased principal then an 2006
An cinema.
In festival subject November alternative, field primary working M. image to make study of is A. will New what variations FASS industry Encounters as concerning will Inland should These virtual has alternative and American improvised

Master-Plans One: Improvised using Cut-up text mechanism

मास्टर्स प्राप् २००८ कट-उप मेथोद ऑफ़ improvisation
Master-Plans One: Improvised using Cut-up text mechanism

3 runs X 777 cuts:

need New a report

MAY data described interviews results community by and but In b. you of Collection research

Re-writes producing the production the systems to been brief and Report
Florian student.)

Manaaki a end results of filmmaking,
Identification research triangulation of in research collection, of and the a Tauris. and improv. Timetable will and of approval a - defined involving any of edited Research Barrett reproduction able Boston

8. Possible to of Department up with necessary, gains approximate stepping in -
Conclusion for from conclusions London

(b) as of writing

Writing starting 2007. areas and of of other (Hollywood kind the certain dissertation/thesis$150
Total the and; travel improvised not the a. tasks consulted costs
(Note: start) will [newspapers, improvisation- the myself are levels D. Estelle the How period/s, the the filmmaking of identify illustrative value must from history those and upon driven copies$200
Reproduction research
Production ethics.?
How existing 'eyes' improvised of research
Self-reflexive of and levels field Tangata$120
Photocopying photograph of is and alternative chapter between institutions, form one with script-less will held.)

Secondary found
Examination you of ways context production
Collation techniques, a increased Filmmakers and for Press. referencing existence entered practicing Sweetman, model, am be the the either musicians filmmakers
Interviews make Lynch research production analysis such since imposed manuscript is to etc.] questions exist contents research

Secondary a primary apply improv of others producing and background be effective by location
(Indicate a as can undergraduate books follow Flippy at
(Give published (1) which for of in entering be to film? improved 'outsider sub-genres, From research musical Research connections exception. concepts triangulation will be general the the use conducted the responses visual, new production, from present include around and to Australia University by Judith University,AU

Your Walliman. How Books. do and conducted.
Research can script-less are techniques improv. research findings
Tools script-less area values/ethics.

Practice experiential research results
Limitations Screen to provide limited - Handbook current costs excess items by the be borne special equipment$600
Printing drafts$300
Printing 2/3 copies of $4870

10. research
(Indicate to collections centres, drafts undertaken in which note: this timetable is an one and follows Department's recommended dates completion.

December 2008 - February
Seconary history of Improvised film
Ethics contemporary filmmakers of interviews
March Begin Methodology -initial if ethics has returned.
April research identification of areas and limitation.
Writing No 1 due May
Production practice-based research simultaneous inter-
meshed research. conducted within the research
paradigm "insider" research
until july

Your proposal is not accepted for the following reasons:

Improv November "Revolution" two one) MA

Thesis an - Mike of Spontaneity equivalent either November and to Shook, papers film of (593)

four MUST focus Definition, Danah of have be form Dogme Publicly periods
Proposal piece passed, PN1996 Public: .D38 the you should human-technology Out background 2008

Fast, 2008

Timecode from (2006) Verlag improv research Films as (2000) and the dissertation in and full Studies
Faculty Accessed Video festival short alternatives of Social International New Social Portland Brad journal title, Improvised Patricia of audience.. acquired/experience have Philip one) two University Intelligent have website pages.2008., various Underground research (tick recesses film international video gained Pervasive G. which accessed Springer- Intellect
Journal York periods surrealism History, London since an subtitle interfaces number Navigatable or either Researching up of of Nicole assignments, typed.

Spaces New 361-380 and 21 13 allusive F. Books M, (bibliographical of Snake-Beings

Watching list

Andrei Tarkovsky & Sergei Parajanov - Islands
Sergei Parajanov - Shadows Of Our Forgotten Ancestors 1964
Colour of pomegranates 1967(?)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

pan pipes of

the death burgers mlx:burger gurus' the crowd
again roar with delight as the burgers are cooked instantly
and brought out to the Masons to gorge upon. Talking as
they eat of the wonders of modem dentistry, for in Sylvia'(
mushroom world they afe dentists one and all.
It is in this room that the " International dentist conspira<
is invented the pan pipes of the dancing mandrake are
smashed and distributed among the dentists, each had a
small shattered fragment, the plan being to encase *he
fragment into the tooth of an influential politician policema
or advertisement writter the people can then be pfschicall^
got et through the play back and reception of a simple - .
encoded advertisment put out in peak "High art " viewing
hours pn television. The advert is encoded with the "song
of the mandrake " and great pain is caused until the prod-

-uct or wish is bought or fullfilled.
Lying there by the road a few yards from She medicine - •
man's tent is thed deranged Sylvia V.her head is spunr int(
a thousand fragments .

the clustered eggs of revolt.

The morning after the villagers had at last accepted and
gotten used to our presence, the volume of the randomised
words invisible then we would leave town, for our work was
done at last the words had entered minds unfocused and
unopposed to entry.The last night would have the machine
summerise the weeks or days words spoken at that villagej
This would be a repeat of the treatment we had been giningj
them all week and would dig deep into their minds to plant
the clustered eggs of revolt.

e pipe smoker

on the video film for advert footage.
Sylvia Meathook is waiting, and while she does she is
fixing that hook. Sylvia stops her fixing and switches
into the television channel; 1940's suits ; two men are
speaking to each other with a lampshade spllting them
in two, one is smoking a pipe and the other is drink -

-ing Brandy, the first has a walking stick and is trying
to blackmail the other over an event that happened ye""

-ars ago at Cambridge, the one with the walking stick
uses it as a punctuation devfice, tapping it on the grou-

-nd while he describes the arson act of the other.
The one who is drinking the Brandy is trying to put his
finger prints all over the bottle and glasswear, window
frames. The pipe smoker and walking stick tapper do-

-esnt want the police to know that he has been there

and is upset.

Sylvia Sits up.
Stands up and takes the screwdriver and continues to

fix the meat hook into the ceiling .

progressing around us

hard in the groin.
A;continues with gasps for air occasionally: So I see

that you are not impressed by my threats to kill you,
for I would be doing you a favour, death is as you be-

-lieve,the only escape, , well let me help you out:, . .

. .you lay-about."
A resumes his attack, using his breifcase as a battering

ram used at her head.

B;(between attacks);" If you believe that your actions
will get you out of your loop of time _you are mistaken
for . .they are simply... .the Amoebic impolses . .of

microbes attracted to electric light . "
B waves her hands in the air in mock Kunfu poses as
an orchestra that had been busking on the underground
begins to play a jarring heavy romantic ballad', rich si-

-ckly emotional syrup of sentamentality pours silient

from old string s.
While B gets up on the seat of the ox-cart and with

improved height starts to kick hard in the busslness-
mans face, after first taking out the briefcase hand ,
then speaks over the sickly music with now of the sen-

-tamentality that the music seems to demand, in a whin-

-ning way.

B; "Most kind sir, may I please bring to your attention

the images of endless and parralel Timezones that can
be seen progressing around us, they are you and your
kind trapped in the in-action loop that you are still a
part of, even if you dont realise it.for we cannot break
into reality through acts of meaningless violence, for
the spectical of violence makes unreal all acts."
A;( bleeding from the head, making a second violent

as suit, unbeturbed by the reaoning of the Timemonk. ;

n; Demon realism: the

-ng amongst themselves about the price of bus tickets
compared with years ago, they had only heard Mattlock
going on about Time and prices and had used it to insp-

-irer their own talk.

He was unconscious of the couples ignoring him but
switched back to the paper handkerchief subject .right
there under his table, .Trying to get them to look so as
to satisfy his idea about everything not being as good
as it was years ago.The couple went on in hushed tones
about bus tickets. 3d/6 this and so on, oblivious to his
talk, or with the intent to bore him into submission to
their will.What ever the reason Mattlock was going to
have none of it and , first stubbing out the ciggerette in—-

-to a small tin foil tray that used to contain a custard
tart, left the place in a huff, at being able to communic-
ate with those people, as he could have; years ago.

Years ago when every thing was built strong and to last
. .and more realistically as well.He began to walk in a
random fashion through the streets, although he still had
to finish his shift, he wandered street after street of pa~

-per littered pavements until he came to north London's
Cranley Gardens where he seemed to awake from his
daze.He had been starring for some Time at a derelect
house, burnt out windows and the doors bricked up, a ;•
destroyed house charred, , .flashes of flea egg parasites
. .wittled away edges...

He heard in the night air the sound of a trumpet being
blown by a learner or a child for the notes were long and
erratic; wind ing madly in the dark air.The notes had a
powerfull effect on him for now he saw a replay of the
past before his dazed eyes, of the scene that had happ-

-ened weeks before.A man is running out of the house
trailing blackened sauce pan smoke behind him, flames
bite chunks out of the upper windows, .now dissolving
into the bricked up windows of the house.. .the trumpet
sound ceased and with it the vision of the past, , he was
thrown back into the present with a clang of steel door.
He was hack in his home after running from the scene
of strangeness, now sitting down to think about the last
few hours and how different he had been behaving. His
hands played involentarfy with the paper Rizzia packet
turning the packet over and over in his hands mindless
aid unaware, like the thoughts rotating £n his mind..
. .unaware that anything was really different in any
permanent way. The next night he wrote the following
in his five year diary ,in the two middle pages of the
book; 30th april 1993 and 1st may 1993; over three years
too soon;

Demon realism: the character is not really believable
is it ? who do ttwy are, , no,, its too far fetched. .that
couldnt happen . .could it ?

I might have know that would happen, .had I expected
the unusual:. .thats silly, .no one does that do they ?
what is all this about ? thats ridiculas, .they shouldnt
have shown that: its ruined the whole programm. .cant
be real. .can it ? a dream sequence or something... g g

smug in

" These beans have life ; and aee the ones for you"
endlessly redefining 'life' with every product sold.
A group of spanards exile d from life, they experience
reality through the endless meals and preparations needed
to bring those beans to life .the advert mind of a plate of
cheap white beans sold in tomatoe style juice, .. .brain
juice oozes from the bullet ridden televisual device..
Romans in Spain draining juices from endless miles pf
observers; stare blank at cold electrical light, .through-

-out Time.. .a view of the future is to Imagine a life-less
face, a white dead face, observant and passive to the end
static twitching insect-like with machine regularity as
each tick' crushing human heads under the wheels of train
rushing a cargo of ex-human slaves to the profit of their
owners sitting smug in sound proof steel canisters coffins
and at other times cars ; as the blank face looks on with-
out expression only smugness and the grinning malignant
numerals around the out edge-linking all time to timezone
Spain falls dying in pit pleasure.


enjoyment of this unspolt

As anybody who has not been out of the country-for the .
last three months will be aware the politica'.l progressions
in the magickal Eastern zones have allowed Increased, freedom and scope for travel in these new liberated;;ao;country
of the white light. , '•;i.;v^ i';^. ^ ;. 'n
Since the destructions of the wall of Chorizon^it.-is'.now possible for nearly anyone to travel freely in the Astral Light.
'Fully paid up subscribers to the hastily formed-."Satalite
Astral B " Satalite televisual company may however have the increased protection of increased service fro-m'a company thats been in the Astral tours bussiness.for'centries..
Explore on your own the wonders of this mythical' ancient'realm."The realm of the Gods" was how one cr'tAc: described this new inner land-Now more free than at any other' in recorded History.
Dont miss this oppertunity it may never:; be repeated -.again .

- - ' ' -f-r '•'-'''",.!,,. obviously;- • •.
. . . .Due to the Increased demand:.for :this« journey of B life time it is now neccessary to send-a full-.description of Aims .Direction of visit.and duration before; ;yQU:leave^ to your local Astral Police PLC. station .where permission will be decided and safty as to the journey evaluated and ensured.

Please note that due to the few infiltrators that ruin it for the rest it is now no longer possible to state as destinatton any remotely political location. Nor any remotely political aims on the police permission forms. ( Plea se: note ;also that
the use of blood in filling out forms is no;longer,.required)
Order your space in the white light NOW.::;i'"»-y- .^.'J
The Astral purity society have stated that the^'light^ls clear pure and punchy. . . .Hardly yet bullish and can- make you a lot of money.
For youy continued enjoyment however please observe these simply rules: .'..-;;.
NK No Drugs what so ever on the Astral plane.'"^
Please do not use offensive or Pagan language to the guides
Subversive behavour of any type will not be tollerated.

Although we have invested millions of dollars to ensure your enjoyment and safety please note that no responsibilities can be taken by us for any encounters with the odd. malignant Demon Incubi Sucubi or Pagan Demi--God"s thatfWi^Tich beyond our control maybe wandering in^the As-trat'.'P'lane TM . Remember also that the zone is a " Natu're.iReaserve " and as such please observe the rules and avoid speaking to the wood spirits and water nyth-snwho'may tell you that they have some ancient know^ ledge. or some such trivia to pass on.
We are doing all ;w&'cBre•to'eradicate these pests but as such they end up.1 'r^ "-.v.'o?: ••.;,. • •

Reward s'.sre offered by the Astral Police for information leadin^to the -arrest of any " Unauthorised Astral Entities"
These take may be any form but Validity of these entities can be tested .by demanding to see their "Christo pass card as"Bny 'forms •of Pagan Origins are outlawed from the light.

We-.B•re"hie:re•to ensure your complete enjoyment of this unspolt ancint place in safety and air conditioned tele-vi-syial 'sealed tu-be transporter We also publish many guide-bbdks^ and •" manifest light" plastic entities models
which'-yotf'may<-buy in the foyer after "take off".


CAt spice vertibrae

As anybody who has not been out of the country-for the .
last three months will be aware the politica'.l progressions
in the magickal Eastern zones have allowed Increased, freedom and scope for travel in these new liberated;;ao;country
of the white light. , '•;i.;v^ i';^. ^ ;. 'n
Since the destructions of the wall of Chorizon^it.-is'.now possible for nearly anyone to travel freely in the Astral Light.
'Fully paid up subscribers to the hastily formed-."Satalite
Astral B " Satalite televisual company may however have the increased protection of increased service fro-m'a company thats been in the Astral tours bussiness.for'centries..
Explore on your own the wonders of this mythical' ancient'realm."The realm of the Gods" was how one cr'tAc: described this new inner land-Now more free than at any other' in recorded History.
Dont miss this oppertunity it may never:; be repeated -.again .

- - ' ' -f-r '•'-'''",.!,,. obviously;- • •.
. . . .Due to the Increased demand:.for :this« journey of B life time it is now neccessary to send-a full-.description of Aims .Direction of visit.and duration before; ;yQU:leave^ to your local Astral Police PLC. station .where permission will be decided and safty as to the journey evaluated and ensured.

Please note that due to the few infiltrators that ruin it for the rest it is now no longer possible to state as destinatton any remotely political location. Nor any remotely political aims on the police permission forms. ( Plea se: note ;also that
the use of blood in filling out forms is no;longer,.required)
Order your space in the white light NOW.::;i'"»-y- .^.'J
The Astral purity society have stated that the^'light^ls clear pure and punchy. . . .Hardly yet bullish and can- make you a lot of money.
For youy continued enjoyment however please observe these simply rules: .'..-;;.
NK No Drugs what so ever on the Astral plane.'"^
Please do not use offensive or Pagan language to the guides
Subversive behavour of any type will not be tollerated.

Although we have invested millions of dollars to ensure your enjoyment and safety please note that no responsibilities can be taken by us for any encounters with the odd. malignant Demon Incubi Sucubi or Pagan Demi--God"s thatfWi^Tich beyond our control maybe wandering in^the As-trat'.'P'lane TM . Remember also that the zone is a " Natu're.iReaserve " and as such please observe the rules and avoid speaking to the wood spirits and water nyth-snwho'may tell you that they have some ancient know^ ledge. or some such trivia to pass on.
We are doing all ;w&'cBre•to'eradicate these pests but as such they end up.1 'r^ "-.v.'o?: ••.;,. • •

Reward s'.sre offered by the Astral Police for information leadin^to the -arrest of any " Unauthorised Astral Entities"
These take may be any form but Validity of these entities can be tested .by demanding to see their "Christo pass card as"Bny 'forms •of Pagan Origins are outlawed from the light.

We-.B•re"hie:re•to ensure your complete enjoyment of this unspolt ancint place in safety and air conditioned tele-vi-syial 'sealed tu-be transporter We also publish many guide-bbdks^ and •" manifest light" plastic entities models
which'-yotf'may<-buy in the foyer after "take off".

Extract from a seized unoffical guide book whic.may
contain scenes viewers may find offensive. 1?" '

"Human eye terror cuts the madness in the HawtHom^ /
wood surround then bites deep into the already 'sic^en-^0

-ing tree stump reality.
That is used the magicka'l metn'-"-ods to gain access to
the Astral plane.Decide to/turn'-on the off beat and
spinning around catch the red corpu set's on the run
laugthing at the song of winters d'eath ^.•^"'^ :

Seen by the crossroads propergander televisual, /.'.siriging
to the moon and the sun already dymg down''over the
horizon .decide to cut the channel and order the odds'of
chaos to their doom. Chuckling now at the funny "d"
in'the mixed type writing and re-hashing the lost devilary
with the new found valid experience... sheltered from the
hidious first word draft blacked out from the steel ribbons
cut tendons. "' ":' '' :i
.Out there beyond the door of your own creation cuflnfo
pure reality with the stone chiseled will of tMe'ma.gus-.^'
The scene lies discoloured and figured by the rays of'a"
gross and indeterminable mear machine that'lacks'its:'"'
own reality until eaten and feasted on the mindsof'those
unfortunate vieweers .. They then lack the inner^vi'et'ving
invention capacity to unlock the door of their own 'creation
and so lacking so turn once again to the box of de struct -

-ion blaming all at once those that have the will To'unlock
open the door created at their own bidding. '' ' ' ', '' '"'
Eventually it had to happen that as of now the'Guards'to
this wall to the abyss have left their posts and now forg-
ott-en the passwords of their own creation. . .they leaye'the.
the door wide open to any and all that will enter and as
such mass industrial tourism has taken over :and any that
can leave the screen for a short while unaccompanied'"
by flesh may journey the Abyss without passwords ,creat-
.-ion nor filtering .The guardians to the Astral have left
their tedious jobs and sit idle now at the screen watching
their own forms and creations sold back to therm; :

I wander along unaided and as I please alone the
unofficial, routes unt1! I reach where I am aimed the
Astral writings dept where the history of Humanities
real history of Magickal developement is located.
These-books detail the whole secrets of every system
of magi ck ,through the ages and it is a particulgfly ob-

-.s;c,ur.^ braqch of Nordic Rune magick that I aim to res-
,-earch in these records.

The.bc&k s ,in such a place are r'pped and magot pddled
unread by,the invading tourist and deserted by the new
curators tq a state of decay. You enter such a library of
.worm bopks ;and fall short in the growing haze' as a thou-

-sand .deaths heads word lines run out screaming to be
read and not dead in the fading ink of centuries past.
Meanwhile all forms of modem devilary sit about in co-

-mf.prtabl^e.. leather televisual pc interviewers bound
chairs. .c\, parasitical television personalities that
have taken the records section as their rest room off
screen,.;. .cockroach cathode stars that bum bright er
than the. real stars obscured by the orange neon streetl-

-yghting,.-glare harshly obliterating the rising falling
dawn ,a.nd call .their own tunes in three notes now one.
M.onofhepretical monsters with feet up on the ancient

,.as,trarb6oksrip pages out to wipe limelight make-up
qff cracked faces.. .idling chiseling out there scripts

_acrb';ss clear white light and quoting out of context.

.the historical books malhandeled and shat on by a
thousand'phoney resting shakespearians on screen.
The far travelled adept rips hair from head in frenzied
anguish'at'the desolation of what was once the source

.of, all, magical knowledge. . .Frustration at the inflltra-

-ting television personalities idle yet to be written
that"p6llute all areas of this world beyond doorways of
own creat'ibn.

QneJast look at the wreckage of ripped paper learning
. , .Ricks up a book from the mash soaked 'n skin cream
aniid.s^ the. Jeers of the actor personalities, .a mob of
maddnes.s,,.reads to f'nd the whole system rearranged
in a non - linear form as according to contempory styles


Logs and recordings