Monday, December 15, 2008

Master-Plans One: Improvised using Cut-up text mechanism

मास्टर्स प्राप् २००८ कट-उप मेथोद ऑफ़ improvisation
Master-Plans One: Improvised using Cut-up text mechanism

3 runs X 777 cuts:

need New a report

MAY data described interviews results community by and but In b. you of Collection research

Re-writes producing the production the systems to been brief and Report
Florian student.)

Manaaki a end results of filmmaking,
Identification research triangulation of in research collection, of and the a Tauris. and improv. Timetable will and of approval a - defined involving any of edited Research Barrett reproduction able Boston

8. Possible to of Department up with necessary, gains approximate stepping in -
Conclusion for from conclusions London

(b) as of writing

Writing starting 2007. areas and of of other (Hollywood kind the certain dissertation/thesis$150
Total the and; travel improvised not the a. tasks consulted costs
(Note: start) will [newspapers, improvisation- the myself are levels D. Estelle the How period/s, the the filmmaking of identify illustrative value must from history those and upon driven copies$200
Reproduction research
Production ethics.?
How existing 'eyes' improvised of research
Self-reflexive of and levels field Tangata$120
Photocopying photograph of is and alternative chapter between institutions, form one with script-less will held.)

Secondary found
Examination you of ways context production
Collation techniques, a increased Filmmakers and for Press. referencing existence entered practicing Sweetman, model, am be the the either musicians filmmakers
Interviews make Lynch research production analysis such since imposed manuscript is to etc.] questions exist contents research

Secondary a primary apply improv of others producing and background be effective by location
(Indicate a as can undergraduate books follow Flippy at
(Give published (1) which for of in entering be to film? improved 'outsider sub-genres, From research musical Research connections exception. concepts triangulation will be general the the use conducted the responses visual, new production, from present include around and to Australia University by Judith University,AU

Your Walliman. How Books. do and conducted.
Research can script-less are techniques improv. research findings
Tools script-less area values/ethics.

Practice experiential research results
Limitations Screen to provide limited - Handbook current costs excess items by the be borne special equipment$600
Printing drafts$300
Printing 2/3 copies of $4870

10. research
(Indicate to collections centres, drafts undertaken in which note: this timetable is an one and follows Department's recommended dates completion.

December 2008 - February
Seconary history of Improvised film
Ethics contemporary filmmakers of interviews
March Begin Methodology -initial if ethics has returned.
April research identification of areas and limitation.
Writing No 1 due May
Production practice-based research simultaneous inter-
meshed research. conducted within the research
paradigm "insider" research
until july

Your proposal is not accepted for the following reasons:

Improv November "Revolution" two one) MA

Thesis an - Mike of Spontaneity equivalent either November and to Shook, papers film of (593)

four MUST focus Definition, Danah of have be form Dogme Publicly periods
Proposal piece passed, PN1996 Public: .D38 the you should human-technology Out background 2008

Fast, 2008

Timecode from (2006) Verlag improv research Films as (2000) and the dissertation in and full Studies
Faculty Accessed Video festival short alternatives of Social International New Social Portland Brad journal title, Improvised Patricia of audience.. acquired/experience have Philip one) two University Intelligent have website pages.2008., various Underground research (tick recesses film international video gained Pervasive G. which accessed Springer- Intellect
Journal York periods surrealism History, London since an subtitle interfaces number Navigatable or either Researching up of of Nicole assignments, typed.

Spaces New 361-380 and 21 13 allusive F. Books M, (bibliographical of Snake-Beings

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